Bai Hao Yu does a lot of nice things for Li Hui Zhen. He can’t stop thinking and worrying about her when he finds her tired and asleep throughout the entire day, right up to when she has to leave for home. He spends the whole night researching natural remedies to help her with her cold, he walks her to the bus stop and even catches the bus to make sure she gets home okay.

He’s still reluctant to let things flow, though, as he continues to preoccupy himself with figuring out who the real Li Hui Zhen is. He’s not so sure now after Xia Qiao’s slip-up during their date last episode. His friend attempts to have Bai Hao Yu see that figuring out who the real identity shouldn’t be his focus. He should look into his heart and see who his heart actually had in there.

Bai Hao Yu seems to follow his friend’s advice. But just as he starts to let things flow a little, the puzzle piece with the unique umbrella drawing at the back finds its way into Xia Qiao’s hands and before Bai Hao Yu.

Pretty Li Hui Zhen Episode 15 Recap

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Li Hui Zhen:

“In folk remedies, it’s been said that if you place an onion next to you when sick, it can speed up recovery. Does that mean that onion was…”

”Pan Yu…”

Bai Hao Yu leaves a purple onion on Li Hui Zhen’s desk. Li Hui Zhen doesn’t discover the onion till early morning when she comes in. Li Hui Zhen looked to have been on Bai Hao Yu’s mind quite a bit as the onion was the result of searching online for folk remedies. It’s the last thing on his computer screen and probably in his mind before he left the office the night before: the webpage talking about the effectiveness of onion for colds was still loaded when Li Hui Zhen accidentally discovers it after taking a call for Bai Hao Yu in his office early morning.

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Editor in Chief:

“I can’t believe Mr. Bai has such a charming smile.”

“I forgot to ask you: Mr. Bai, you’ve been such a good mood lately. Why is that? Why? I know. You’re in love.”

Li Hui Zhen draws a happy face on the onion and sits it on top of a glass of water. The sight catches Bai Hao Yu when he arrives into the office and causes him to smile without knowing. Editor in Chief catches the rare expression which has Bai Hao Yu go on to embarrass himself in a spectacular fashion.

Right after the Editor in Chief speculates about Bai Hao Yu’s good mood, Bai Hao Yu is sent crashing into a rack of clothes behind him, all because Li Hui Zhen had come back into the office and heard the Editor in Chief’s words.

He picks himself back up, ignoring the laughter of his team as they watch him leave to his office with a scarf caught in the back of his trousers. Back in his office, he denies expressing a smile, but as much as he tries to deny it, he can’t argue with the photo Editor in Chief sends!

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Bai Hao Yu:

“Hello, Eric. More and more, I feel like the hotel manager Li Hui Zhen isn’t the real Li Hui Zhen.”

Being caught smiling falls to the back of his mind as his suspicions about Xia Qiao not being who she says she is suddenly enters his mind. The photo from the Editor in Chief seems to have prompted them, which has him on the phone with his friend (now revealed to be Eric) about his suspicions. The scene cuts at this point, but guess is it’s Xia Qiao’s slip-ups in Episode 14 that’s got him making such a speculation.

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Xia Qiao and whether she is the real Li Hui Zhen is revisited later in the evening. Before then, though, Bai Hao Yu can’t stop his thoughts from being filled with Li Hui Zhen. Last night/in the morning, it was the onion to help Li Hui Zhen with the cold. At the end of work, it’s a jacket over the sleeping form and accompanying her on the bus.

Li Hui Zhen’s cold seems to have made her more tired than normal. Normally, she’d be seen taking on and doing tasks of her colleagues way after they’ve left. With a cold, she stays behind, but she’s found unable to stay awake to do them. As such, Li Hui Zhen decides on a short nap not long after everyone’s left the office before continuing her work.

As if Bai Hao Yu had been watching and worried about her the whole time, the moment Li Hui Zhen’s head falls on her pillow she brings out, his gaze moves to her direction. He is then off his chair to go cover her with a jacket.

This jacket isn’t his own, but Li Hui Zhen’s. It’s the one which she draped over him after sending him home from that roadside incident in Episode 13.

Jacket draped over Li Hui Zhen, Bai Hao Yu was about to pat her head. His hand was already hovering over her head when Ya Ling suddenly returns, interrupting him mid-action. Bai Hao Yu immediately stops upon hearing Ya Ling’s address of him. As he does so, he bumps into Li Hui Zhen’s chair and awakens her. She doesn’t let on she’d been woken and allows Bai Hao Yu to walk off and return to his office.

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Bai Hao Yu:

“Like that, you dare fall asleep. Aren’t you afraid someone will come and kidnap you? And you lecture me about not reading whilst walking.”

Seeing how Li Hui Zhen could hardly stay awake in the office has him worry about whether she’d make it home safely in her state. When Li Hui Zhen finally leaves the office to catch her bus, she falls asleep whilst waiting for it. Bai Hao Yu—who looked like he hadn’t intended to accompany her home—couldn’t help worry that she’d get herself into some unwanted situations in her state, and decides he better follow her and watch over her whilst she caught her bus.

Bus arriving, Li Hui Zhen barely catches it as the whole time she’d slept without care for how easily a stranger with ill-intent could take advantage of her like that. She only manages to wake up upon hearing the sound of the opening bus doors.

Bai Hao Yu dashes on after her, making sure he’s not discovered by Li Hui Zhen. Bai Hao Yu manages to somehow get onto the back at the bus, passing Li Hui Zhen who sat in the aisle seats nearer to the front. Guess is, she was too tired to even notice him boarding and had fallen asleep in the short time it took her to board the bus and Bai Hao Yu to follow her to board it.

Li Hui Zhen gets herself in a state that could potentially be quite dangerous after that. Her head rolling around as she slept, it finally stops to rest on the shoulders of the stranger sitting next to her. The stranger, a male bus patron, is harmless. He only gently nudges her head away after failing to wake her. Anyone else, it could have been a different story.

Bai Hao Yu couldn’t have that. Stranger leaving shortly after, Bai Hao Yu gets up from his seat to take the one beside her. With him beside her, he can be sure she doesn’t use shoulders of strangers who might not be as forgiving or innocent as the one before. His shoulders are much safer—shoulders which she ends up using short moments after he moves to sit beside her.

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Xia Qiao:

“When I was young, I did hate it; but, I don’t hate it anymore.”

Childhood Li Hui Zhen:

“I don’t like the rain. Whenever it rains, my hair explodes!”

With Li Hui Zhen resting on his shoulder, Bai Hao Yu is back thinking about Xia Qiao agajn. Li Hui Zhen’s curls had reminded him of Xia Qiao’s love of the rain and how this admission didn’t match the words of the Li Hui Zhen from his childhood. The night Li Hui Zhen went to him on the roadside enters his thoughts, too. He has a feeling something is off about this matter concerning the two Li Hui Zhens in his life, but he can’t pinpoint what it is, though.

As Li Hui Zhen suddenly wakes, his thoughts on the matter stops for the time being. He is made to hide behind his tablet in hopes that Li Hui Zhen doesn’t suddenly discover him by her side. As she calls out to the driver to stop the bus, she squeezes past him. One look his way and Bai Hao Yu would have to explain his presence, but fortunately for him, Li Hui Zhen’s too focused on getting the bus driver’s attention to notice. She ends up getting off without ever finding out that the normally harsh and critical Bai Hao Yu had gone out of his way to make sure she got home safely because he was that worried about her.

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I told you long ago to follow your heart. There’s no logic in love. Since it’s useless, follow after your heart. Don’t base your decisions on what you see. What’s important right now isn’t who the real Li Hui Zhen is. It’s who’s in your heart.

Back at his apartment, Bai Hao Yu continue the thoughts he had on the bus with his friend, Eric—thoughts which Bai Hao Yu had already briefly brought up with his friend earlier in the day. Hearing Bai Hao Yu focus so much of his thoughts on working out who the real Li Hui Zhen is, Eric repeats his advice about following his heart and not his eyes. He tries to get him to see that finding out who the real Li Hui Zhen is isn’t what matters. What matters is who resides in his heart.

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Bai Hao Yu makes the decision to seize the present and not recall the past after his conversation with Eric. He’s seen to openly stare at Li Hui Zhen during an Immortal meeting the next morning. At one point it takes a couple of calls from Team Leader Zhu Ying before Bai Hao Yu’s attention goes back to the meeting.

Bai Hao Yu:

“You’re this happy over such a small amount of money. You’re such a Scrooge.”

Li Hui Zhen:

“Deputy Editor in Chief, this is my first pay. This is Immortal’s show of approval towards me. Thank you, Deputy Editor in Chief!”

Li Hui Zhen receives her first salary. It has her so proud and elated, she doesn’t pay attention to the glass railing she’s about to walk into as she stares at her bank book. Bai Hao Yu, who could only have been watching her again, is right there to stop her. He gives her a similar kind of scolding to the one Li Hui Zhen gave him when he almost walked into a bookshelf in the library, telling her how dangerous it was to walk without looking where she’s going. It has Li Hui Zhen laugh recalling her own words to him.

Li Hui Zhen promises him she’d remember his words. She thanks him, explaining that this salary represents Immortal’s approval of her. She leaves him first to go back to work, after which Bai Hao Yu is seen to show a smile for the second time in the episode.

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Li Hui Zhen:

“Does that mean I’m treating everyone?”

“I’ll treat everyone but don’t eat too expensively.”

Bai Hao Yu:

“I’ll treat team lunch today. My lunch meeting got cancelled, so I’m treating today.”

Bai Hao Yu saves Li Hui Zhen from a team lunch shout after he sees her draw the short straw. Seeing Li Hui Zhen being so happy about receiving her first salary earlier and then asking everyone to hold back with the cost has Bai Hao Yu gather that Li Hui Zhen can’t be as free with her spending as others on her team might be. So, he offers to shout the team, saving Li Hui Zhen from the shout.

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Bai Hao Yu buys a foundation pact for Li Hui Zhen after she gets left out of the gifts sent by a client for the team. Li Hui Zhen, Immortal’s most hardworking intern and probably the most hardworking employee in the Immortal team, misses out after the client doesn’t send enough to have her receive one. Her colleague, Lulu, offers Li Hui Zhen hers; but, it was a halfhearted offer. Li Hui Zhen isn’t so fussed about not receiving one, so she turns down the offer. Bai Hao Yu couldn’t let the situation be, though.

Sitting with Team Leader Zhu Ying, Bai Hao Yu overhears the conversation. At the end of the workday, he returns to the office with a bag containing a foundation pact. He leaves it on her desk before leaving the office without Li Hui Zhen knowing yet again.

Bai Hao Yu does a lot of nice and caring things for Li Hui Zhen in this episode: researching and getting her an onion for her cold, sending her home on the bus, helping her shout team lunch and buying her foundation so she isn’t left out. Bai Hao Yu appears to be opening his heart up to her and following Eric’s advice, but then Xia Qiao look to change all that with her decision to go after Bai Hao Yu after all.

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Lin Yi Mu:

“In actual fact every issue is innately quite simple. It’s just that we over complicate things which cause them to become complicated. Listen to me. Throw caution to the wind. Go crazy for the one you love for once. Maybe things will become simple.”

Xia Qiao was ready to give up Bai Hao Yu and end it all, but she’s been convinced by Lin Yi Mu to go after the guy she likes. Lin Yi Mu probably wouldn’t convince her so much if he had known the guy Xia Qiao likes is the guy Li Hui Zhen also likes. But since he doesn’t know, he tells Xia Qiao that she shouldn’t overthink things and just go for it.

Sitting outside on a bench together again, sharing some beer, Lin Yi Mu asks Xia Qiao what’s got her so troubled that’s made her come out and drink alcohol. Xia Qiao lets him know it’s over a guy who she likes but shouldn’t like. This has Lin Yi Mu question her about whether the guy has a criminal record, is a minor or is married. Offended that Lin Yi Mu would suggest she’d be interested in such men, Xia Qiao denies the situation being any of those. It’s just that the guy can’t forget his past love. This is when Lin Yi Mu tells her to give it her all. Since the guy isn’t married, a criminal or a minor, for love, she should just go all out and not overthink it, because it’s only then she might discover that the situation isn’t all that complicated.

Xia Qiao takes Lin Yi Mu’s advice and returns to the donation tent where she donated her silver heels. She’s holds the heels close to her heart, relieved they’d not been donated, yet. As a sign she’s chosen Bai Hao Yu over Li Hui Zhen, love over friendship, she also takes off Li Hui Zhen’s bracelet to leave only Bai Hao Yu’s bracelet on her wrist.

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Bai Hao Yu discovers more to add to his thoughts about the strange feeling has been getting about the Li Hui Zhen situation. During a phone conversation, he stops by Li Hui Zhen’s desk to use her notepad to take down an email address. Sitting underneath the notepad, he finds a list on how she’d spend her salary, a list which includes Hui Lin, Li Hui Zhen’s little sister. Not only does Li Hui Zhen does things that match the one from his childhood, but now she mentions a name which happens to be the name of Li Hui Zhen’s sister.

This doesn’t work in Xia Qiao’s favour as clues keep on popping up, making Bai Hao Yu more and more suspicious of the whole situation.

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But Xia Qiao’s been advised to go all out for Bai Hao Yu, which means doing whatever necessary to settle Bai Hao Yu’s doubts and suspicions—even if it means stealing Li Hui Zhen’s puzzle and using it to prove her identity to Bai Hao Yu. It’s not something she is comfortable doing, but she really likes Bai Hao Yu it seems. So, after a long hesitation, she takes the puzzle from Li Hui Zhen’s desk.

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Xia Qiao:

“I went back home the other day. When I was tidying up the house, I unexpectedly found it. At the time, I thought that I must show it to you.”

Puzzle in her possession, Xia Qiao calls Bai Hao Yu to meet at a restaurant to show him the puzzle and proving herself as the real Li Hui Zhen. When she presents it to him, Bai Hao Yu comes off as having some doubts about the authenticity of the puzzle piece upon seeing it. He flips it around to check for the umbrella. It’s there. It’s the one he gave Li Hui Zhen.

Bai Hao Yu:

“So, the one I’ve been looking for has always been you. But how come…”

Bai Hao Yu seemed disappointed by the fact that Xia Qiao wasn’t fake, but his doubts and suspicions are settled by the puzzle. He tells her he is happy she’s found it for him and thanks her for it because it is a memory which they share.


Bai Hao Yu’s feelings for Li Hui Zhen was developing so nicely at the beginning of the episode. Too bad that Xia Qiao decides to go after Bai Hao Yu just as he looked to let go of the past and let things flow naturally with Li Hui Zhen! But it’s got to happen we suppose. If Bai Hao Yu fell for Li Hui Zhen after he finds out Li Hui Zhen is his Li Hui Zhen and not Xia Qiao, it would make his feelings less genuine. It would also go against the theme of loving from the heart and not based on appearances or credentials which this story is based around. But, if he falls for Li Hui Zhen despite believing Xia Qiao is Li Hui Zhen from his childhood then it means he really loves Li Hui Zhen. It’d mean he loves her for her past self and her present self.

Speaking of loving based on credentials, Han Xue’s moved on from going after Lin Yi Mu to going after Lin Hu Sheng. A phone call between Lin Hu Sheng and his dad about needing to meet to discuss work matter has her thinking it’s about Lin Hu Sheng taking over the company. She’s already imagining herself being called “Mrs Lin.” That advice from the Editor in Chief in Episode 14 didn’t really reach her. She’s on the hunt for a rich guy…

Anyway, it’s looking like it will be a bit of a halt in progress between Bai Hao Yu and Li Hui Zhen for the time being. But that means now we will be waiting for Bai Hao Yu to fall for Li Hui Zhen despite thinking he’s found the real Li Hui Zhen in Xia Qiao. Looking forward to that!! : oD : oD.




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