Asian DramasChinese DramasDrama Recaps

Whirlwind Girl 2 (2016), Episode 12 – 13

Whirlwind Girl 2, Episodes 12 - 13

Episode 12 – 13 Recap

Carrying on from the previous episode, Qi Bai Cao does call out to Ruo Bai to appear. And as expected, we don’t see Ruo Bai appear. Qi Bai Cao didn’t expect him to, either, it seems. She reveals that she knows Ruo Bai is dead. The only reason she continued to say Ruo Bai isn’t dead is because she wanted to forget he was dead and wanted to continue the fantasy of him being alive.

Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot
Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot
Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot
Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot

Chang An and Qi Bai Cao are back to normal and Chang An works to train Qi Bai Cao to win third place. They’re focused, in sync and very close at times! There are awesome offensive and defensive moves between them. There are even movements that appear like they are performing a beautiful dance together! The training pays off when Qi Bai Cao wins third place in the competition.

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Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot

It’s some shopping time for Qi Bai Cao after the competition. Qi Bai Cao and Chang An gets mistaken as a couple by a stall owner because Chang An had been doing some rather couple-like things with Qi Bai Cao and Qi Bai Cao don’t do anything to reject him. Chang An had moved close to Qi Bai Cao to show her how to scoop up a goldfish and Qi Bai Cao cooperated happily. Qi Bai Cao then wanted to take a picture. She wanted to take one because she needed to. Fan Xiao Ying had requested her to take some pictures of her time in Japan. Qi Bai Cao therefore asks the stall owner to help her take one and this has the stall owner ask Chang An to stand closer to his girlfriend. The reference of girlfriend, Qi Bai Cao is frantic to correct the stall owner. Chang An, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to mind the stall owner getting their relationship wrong. He’s willing to go along with it. We see Chang An force Qi Bai Cao to cooperate with a hand around her shoulder. He brings her to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him for the photo!

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Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot
Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot
Whirlwind Girl 2 Screenshot

Fang Ting Hao had decided to head to Japan when he saw Qi Bai Cao devastated by the defeat to Jin Ming Zhu. He left for Japan after seeing Qi Bai Cao hug Chang An after winning third place. When Fang Ting Hao arrives in Japan and goes to the hotel Chang An and Qi Bai Cao is staying at, what he sees infuriates him. He finds Chang An with Qi Bai Cao in his arms, both in bathrobes. It’s rather innocent when Chang An was only carrying Qi Bai Cao because he had found her unconscious on the other side of the hotspring where they spent time relaxing in. Fang Ting Hao goes up to Chang An and immediately takes Qi Bai Cao away from him and carries her himself.

All three move to the room Chang An and Qi Bai Cao are staying in. Fang Ting Hao confesses to Qi Bai Cao in front of Chang An. It’s a rejection for Fang Ting Hao as Qi Bai Cao explains she respects him as someone she looks up to. The situation becomes scary when Fang Ting Hao forces himself onto Qi Bai Cao. It’s surprising how far Fang Ting Hao actually gets even when Chang An is there in the room. Fang Ting Hao gets to the point of leaning into Qi Bai Cao for a kiss and Qi Bai Cao turning away and struggling rather hard to stop Fang Ting Hao from kissing her before Chang An steps in and shields Qi Bai Cao from Fang Ting Hao.

Seeing Chang An let it get that far was really odd. But then again, maybe Chang An was trying to not stop things too early and intervene when he didn’t need to until he deemed it to be necessary. This was a very interesting moment. We do wonder what was going through Chang An’s mind when he didn’t intervene until the time he chose to intervene. We can only think that maybe Chang An wanted to give as much opportunity for Fang Ting Hao to see clearly where he stood with Qi Bai Cao before intervening. That way, there is no doubt and Fang Ting Hao can’t say to him he got in the way and stopped things too soon. Or, maybe it’s that Chang An wanted to know for himself how Qi Bai Cao viewed Fang Ting Hao. After all, Chang An doesn’t know the history between the two—well, we think he doesn’t…

This scene where Fang Ting Hao forces himself onto Qi Bai Cao, he looked different to how he usually looks. He was scary. It’s actually funny how the show styled Fang Ting Hao in black leather jacket, hair up and gelled for this scene. They really wanted to give more of a visual impact and make Fang Ting Hao look very dangerous with that styling, didn’t they? It definitely worked to make Fang Ting Hao look dangerous!




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