Episode 7 Recap

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“Fate is not for someone to decide.” Reading, this in a Naruto manga, Ai Li Si decides not to be a sitting duck and wait for the attacker to get to her. She wants to decide her own fate by going to the company and seeing if it’d trigger any memories. If knocking over and seeing a broken glass at the restaurant could trigger an image of the chipped mug in her apartment—and subsequently, triggering the memory of the day she was attacked—maybe going around the office she’d recall who it might be who’s threatening and wanting to harm her. This reasoning is submitted to He Hao Yi when she expresses wanting to go to the company with him. He Hao Yi denies her, telling her that her loss of memory would put her in danger. Because she doesn’t remember anything, she won’t be able to remember the person who threatened and harmed her. If this person were to discover that she can’t remember anything, this person could use it to get close to her and cause harm to her.

Ai Li Si sees his point, but isn’t willing to back down. He had told her he’d protect her. With this, she implies she should be fine. He Hao Yi tells her that although he may be there to protect her, he would still worry about her. He tells her that going to the company in her state is what is considered a bad move in Risk Management terms.

Ai Li Si tries to enter the company another way, telling him that since Liu Xiao Fen wasn’t back, she could go to the company and find Bai Shu Lei to spend time with. He Hao Yi doesn’t bite. This has Ai Li Si let the matter go with a huff. She’s so upset with him, she takes his glass of juice away from him to drink just as he was about to drink from it.

Not one to be able to stand Ai Li Si being angry with him, He Hao Yi gives in moments later. He tells her that he’ll give her two days. The first day, he’ll make preparations. The second day, they’ll set off. He tells her that she must listen to him: she mustn’t let anyone know she lost her memory and she must act like her 30-year-old self. Ai Li Si worries that she isn’t able to because of not recalling how she is at 30. He Hao Yi tells her that he will teach her.

The first two people Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi has to not let on she’s forgotten her memories are Song Han Ming and Bai Shu Lei. The four meet just outside the company.

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Before the four meet, we see Bai Shu Lei and Song Han Ming at a store checking on Jsut International’s flagship product, Charcoal Mask. It doesn’t seem to be performing well as Bai Shu Lei discovers the product placed on the lower shelves. She’s not happy about the placement and whether Song Han Ming’s Business Department does regular checks at the store. Song Han Ming lets her know that it’s not within the departments abilities to carry such task out. The store manager, who is with them, interrupts and suggests Bai Shu Lei organise some celebrity to act as a store manager for one day. This will ensure her product will be placed where she would like it to be.

Song Han Mjn, who’s all about riling Bai Shu Lei up mentions how Bai Shu Lei is quite new in the company and such a task of bringing in a celebrity store manager for one day is too difficult a task. Bai Shu Lei not one to admit anything is beyond her capability takes in the suggestion. She uses this to ask him out to a movie as well, saying that if she carries this task out well, that he would agree to watch one with her—which Song Han Mong actually agrees.

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Song Han Ming turns around to leave the store. He spots someone looking like Ai Li Si and starts chases after her. He’s yet again mistaken. It was not Ai Li Si. It seems since Ai Li Si went into hospital for her surgery and took leave, she’s not been in contact with him for two months. He doesn’t know where she is. According to Bai Shu Lei, this disappearance has had him chasing after every girl that looked like Ai Li Si for the last two months. When Bai Shu Lei catches up to him, she calls him excessive. Song Han Ming finds her lack of concern over Ai Li Si’s whereabouts cold. He asks her how she could not worry when they don’t even know which hospital she’s staying. Bai Shu Lei just answers her knowing which hospital won’t help since she’s not a doctor; besides, she’s used to her disappearing on her. She’s done it once before, Song Han Ming loses patience with her, telling her he’s in no mood to explain things to her before walking away from her.

Song Han Ming and Bai Shu Lei arrive back at the company, frowns on their faces and arms length apart. Song Han Ming spots someone off in the distance who looks like Ai Li Si and again calls for her. Bai Shu Lei, seemingly tired of the same act over and over again, pulls him back, wondering how much longer he was going to keep it up. “Aren’t you tired of playing this game of finding Ai Li Si?” she asks. He ignores her and turns back to stare ahead where he spotted Ai Li Si talking to He Hao Yi under a porch outside the company.

He runs over to her. This time it really is Ai Li Si. Song Han Ming holds her by her arms; his voice full of concern: “Let me check. Let me take a look at you.” His sudden approach has Ai Li Si squirm back, wondering why this stranger was being this way with her. She doesn’t recognise Song Han Ming. Fearing Ai Li Si will blow her act because of Song Han Ming—or maybe it’s disliking how close he is to Ai Li Si—He Hao Yi steps in between them to break the contact apart and assures Song Han Mjng Ai Li Si’s doing well. Song Han Ming has yet another go at He Hao Yi: is He Hao Yi a mouthpiece for the doctor or Ai Li Si’s spokesperson? He Hao Yi’s concern for Ai Li Si has to do with him, he says. For that short moment, the attention is off Ai Li Si’s secret of having lost her memory, but then Bai Shu Lei catches up. Ai Li Si makes the mistake of greeting her former friend excitedly and using Bai Shu Lei’s nickname, Lei Lei, which she hasn’t used since high school.

He Hao Yi manages to save her by slurring the nickname to “Hello” in Cantonese before instructing her to tone it way down. She does and then follows He Hao Yi’s lead in greeting Bai Shu Lei in Cantonese to cover herself before saying how long it’s been since they last saw each other. This has Song Han Ming angry. Ai Li Si greets Bai Shu Lei like she’s really missed her, but towards Song Han Ming, who she’s must closer with, he’s heard nothing from her. She didn’t tell him which hospital she had her surgery, she didn’t respond to his calls, and when he went to her house, she wasn’t there. He was so worried, he tells her.

The concern has Ai Li Si look at He Hao Yi, as if trying to find an appropriate response. This causes Song Han Ming to sense that something’s not right and guess that maybe she forgot everything after the surgery. Just to prove she didn’t, Ai Li Si tries to remember Song Han Ming’s name. She manages to speak out the first syllable of Peter’s name (how, she comes up with the syllable we have no idea) before He Hao Yi cuts in and helps her under the guise of an interruption to put the conversation off to another time. He Hao Yi tells Song Han Ming that Ai Li Si’s just returned to resume her position. Song Han Ming should let them take care of the formalities before talking some more. This has Song Han Ming point out that Ai Li Si can handle the formalities herself since she’s been in the company longer than she has. There’s no need for He Hao Yi to be a busybody. He Hao Zi pushes through, using the same line as he always does, “we have important matters to discuss,” before saying that they are matters which must be handled as they talk; and as long as Ai Li Si agrees, Song Han Ming has no choice but to let her go, which Ai Li Si does.

Passing Song Han Min and Bai Shu Lei, it’s onto trying keep suspicions from peaking in the office. As they head up the stairs, He Hao Yi warns Ai Li Si to be wary of how she acts and says around people because she no longer a 17-year-old. She’s 30. After running into Bai Shu Lei, Ai Li Si mentioned about wanting to tell Bai Shu Lei how beautiful she is and how much more she feels like a queen now. This has He Hao Yi tell her that there is no 17-year old Bai Shu Lei waiting for her now, just that she has amnesia. He tells her that she should also keep her distance from Peter as well. Without telling her why, he tells her of all people, Peter is the she should be most careful around: not one word should be spoken with him when she sees him. Ai Li Si—who sees Peter as showing a lot of concern for her wellbeing—questions why He Hao Yi would single him out in such a way.

He Hao Yi tries to avoid answering by threatening to go home, but it doesn’t work. As He Hao Yi makes a move towards her office, calling Ai Li Si to head up to work, Ai Li Si stands her position. She tells him that without giving a reason, she can’t accept it, just like how a teacher won’t accept and give full marks to a student who doesn’t show how they arrived at the answer. Until He Hao Yi explains the reason, it’s not enough for her to listen to him.

This has He Hao Yi provide her one. The closer the relationship one has with her, the harder it is for her act because they know so much about her, making it easier for her to make mistakes and be discovered. He reminds her of their goal—to find out who threatened her, not make friends. She must stay as far away from Peter as she can in order preserve her safety.

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Seeing the logic of He Hao Yi’s words, Ai Li Si finally accepts and follows him to the Research and Development Department to fool Manager Zhao, Jun Mao and Sha Sha into believing nothing was wrong or different with her. He Hao Yi has Ai Li Si approach them and scold Jun Mao and Sha Sha about a dirty beaker and having mixed up the microscope slides and cover slips. Ai Li Si comes out of there thinking she’s going to be discovered because of how harshly she scolded them, only to find out it’s the opposite. She didn’t scold them hard it enough. After Ai Li Si left them in the kitchen where her colleagues were, they are heard talking about their team leader coming off a little strange for missing the personal attacks. So, to make up for it, Ai Li Si is made by He Hao Yi to throw some personal attacks about them being stupid, thick-skinned idiots and making up for being such. She then walks out thinking she’s yelled at them too much, feeling just horrible; but, it’s not enough.

He Hao Yi holds a lab notebook in front of Ai Li Si and tells her to throw to finish the act off perfectly. Ai Li Si doesn’t want to do it and tries to stop him from doing it when he tells her he’d throw it for her. They struggle over the possession of the book for a few moments before He Hao Yi loses his grip on the book, causing Ai Li Si to use too much strength in her pull and sends the book flying into the kitchen.

This last bit of the act does it. They expected the book to be thrown and are in fact relieved by it. Manager Zhao is heard expressing his worries when she left it at the scolding and personal attack. He thought that because Ai Li Si fell sick and fighting for strength, she had to reduce her usual actions. Now, he can sit down and have his tea.

Ai Li Si, who had lost her balance and required He Hao Yi to support her from falling over backwards, gets out of He Hao Yi’s hold. She walks off with a sad frown after He Hao Yi makes a comment about how good that move was. She takes her seat in a meeting area in the office, wondering how her being so mean to her colleagues was actually what they expect from her. He Hao Yi catches up and tells her that if she can’t maintain the act, they can go home. Ai Li Si doesn’t back out. She’s just surprised and troubled by how much she’s changed.

Ai Li Si goes off to make herself something to drink. This has He Hao Yi let off a sigh (possibly because of the stress and worry over Ai Li Si having a hard time as she discovers more about herself and her life now). He Hao Yi gets up and shows her the way she takes her beverages: a cup of hot milk tea steeped for five minutes, not a cup of coffee. Ai Li Si questions him about whether he had to be so concerned over one drink. “The devil is in the details,” He Hao Yi responds. It doesn’t matter if it’s over a cup of coffee she wants to drink or a book she forgets to throw, any mistakes, people can become suspicious. He asks her whether the coffee is worth her being discovered. Ai Li Si subdues, but it still has her wonder whether the details are important when there is no one around. He Hao Yi skips over the question and only tells her not to worry as he will help her. He advises her to just keep up the kind of personality back there and tells her a winner will be decided tomorrow (we’re assuming He Hao Yi means in the debate between her and him about the details and this whole situation about coming into the company). He Hao Yi then leaves her to her tea, reminding her the amount of time the teabag has been steeping.

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Standing by herself, Ai Li Si ponders over visiting Bai Shu Lei. He Hao Yi’s reason for telling her not to visit people closest to her is because she has amnesia. So, Ai Li Si thinks that as long as she doesn’t let Bai Shu Lei know she’s lost her memory, she can go have a chat with her. Not knowing that it’s because she and Bai Shu Lei are no longer friends, she makes her to the Marketing Department to invite Bai Shu Lei to eat together. She visits Bai Shu Lei’s office just after she’s been given the news that the spokesperson for the facial mask isn’t able to fit the ‘store manager for a day’ event into their schedule. Ai Li Si knocks then enters to greet Bai Shu Lei brightly. Ai Li Si’s entrance has Bai Shu Lei peel the facial mask Ai Li Si didn’t know was even on, which has Ai Li Si make a comment about how unnoticeable it is.

Bai Shu Lei is surprisingly cordial and explains she uses and encourages all her staff to use the company’s own face products. This way they are able to offer their effects and special characteristics to their customers. Bai Shu Lei then asks Ai Li Si for her reason to visit her. This is when Ai Li Si invites Bai Shu Lei to join her to eat.

Ai Li Si is told that the relationship where they at together was a long time go. They don’t have that kind of relationship now. She tells Ai Li Si that she seems to have forgotten that she often bothers her in the office and even stood her up one time (referring to the time Ai Li Si wants to meet at the place they buried their time capsules a couple months ago). Bai Shu Lei then asks her to leave her to her work.

Still not understanding the relationship between them, Ai Li Si thinks Bai Shu Lei just needs to stay and listen to what’s causing her unhappy mood and moves to ask what it is that’s bothering her, Bai Shu Lei doesn’t offer anything, only answering a question with another question: “If I told you, would you be able to help?” When Ai Li Si mentions that perhaps her department could help, Bai Shu Lei tells her that the problem is related to Peter so she can’t help.

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Ai Li Si is asked to leave for the second time, which Ai Li Si does now she knows it’s Peter she needs to go to help Bai Shu Lei. She happens to run into at the bottom of a set of stairs. She addresses him by the only name she knows, Peter, not knowing she’s made a mistake. She should be using Song Han Ming. Fortunately, she manages to skip his questioning of her use of Peter by telling him it wasn’t the time to joke around and moves straight on to finding out that it was the ‘store manager for the day’ event she was having a hard time with. Right after this, Ai Li Si lands herself in a situation where her amnesia is in danger of being discovered again. When she asks why he was making things difficult for Bai Shu Lei, Song Han Ming tells her she should know best. Recognising the conversation was heading down a dangerous path, she quickly stops her questions without finding much more. Fortunately for her though, she still manages to achieve her goal of helping Bai Shu Lei. Song Han Ming provides her the opportunity to help Bai Shu Lei. He asks Ai Li Si what she wants him to do, because he listen and do it.

Ai Li Si smiles, and requests him to cancel the event. Song Han Ming cancels the event. With that taken care of, Ai Li Si thinks she’s done Bai Shu Lei a favour and she’d thank her for it. Ai Li Si hasn’t done Bai Shu Lei a favour and she doesn’t thank her for it. Cancelling the event means at Bai Shu Lei has to make up the sales level to gain the desired shelf position. Bai Shu Lei does this by purchasing the facial masks herself. Not only has she affected Bai Shu Lei’s chances of getting a better shelf position, but Ai Li Si’s reduced her chance of going on a movie date with a Song Han Ming to zero.

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At the end of the work day, Bai Shu Lei invites Ai Li Si out. She thinks it’s to enjoy a nice night out between best friends after work, but it’s for Bai Shu Lei to make their relationship clear. Ai Li Si is asked to join her to buy facial masks before they head to a restaurant and bar. There, Ai Li Si finds out the result of her request to cancel the Store Manager for a Day event. She learns that she and Bai Shu Lei stopped being friends 13 years ago and has forgotten the old Ai Li Si a long time. Not long after Bai Shu Lei’s drink is served, she tells Ai Li Si they are now only co-workers at work and not to bring personal matters to the workplace.

Ai Li Si is left sitting at the bar taking in the reality of the situation. She realises that at 30, she can’t use the same ways to help friends as the ones she used back when she was 17. She also doesn’t know what is considered a good drink, nor understand how to be friends with adults. What concerns her the most is not knowing what the 30-year-old her is like.

She returns to He Hao Yi’s apartment feeling a sense of dismay about what she might have to face about herself. He Hao Yi opens the door for her after she stands outside and showing no sign of heading in anytime soon. After hearing her tell him she didn’t want to head inside for fear of facing her cruel self, He Hao Yi tells her that it doesn’t matter where she goes, she’ll have to face herself.

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He Hao Yi tells her to head in, because at his place there is him. When she has a hard time, he will be there by her side. Ai Li Si steps in. They sit down at the kitchen table to have a cup of milk tea. After a short moment of silence, Ai Li Si speaks up about him knowing clearly that she and Bai Shu Lei weren’t friends and why he didn’t tell her. He Hao Yi tells her she wouldn’t have believed him if she didn’t see it herself. She expresses her worry about her past again. She looks to He Hao Yi for answers about what happened before she transferred schools. Not sure himself, he tells her she’ll have to recover her memories for that answer. The response has Ai Li Si worry about when that might be. Everyone talks of the 13 years that has past. She, on the other hand, just woke up from her sleep and is trying her hardest to catch up to everyone, but everyone is so far ahead she can’t see them anymore.

He Hao Yi moves to comfort her, lending her his shoulder before telling her how he was always chasing her from the day he met her. The reason why she can’t see him is because he’s behind chasing her. He tells her not to feel so helpless as there many more important things to do. He understands that it’s unfair she lost 13 years and suddenly became an adult, but he has a plan to have her experience and adapt to her 30-year old self.

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He Hao Yi sets off to run through all the milestones between 18 and 30. He starts off with getting her on a scooter and learning to ride it and passing her after managing to ride in a straight line. This is the time she gets her driver’s license. He has her celebrating her 19th birthday. He tells her at 19, one don’t eat cake and the birthday song must be sung quietly. At 20, he has Ai Li Si exercise her right to vote. He the has Ai Si wear a wig, to represent the perm she got at 21 after having saved up some money from her job.

At 22, Ai Li Si graduates from university. She dons a graduation gown and cap and is presented her university diploma. After graduating, she gets her first suit for work at 23. He also takes her to a baseball game, which has Ai Li Si wondering what the game represented. He tells her it’s possible she could have been a supporter and supported the team.

Between 24 and 29, He Hao Yi has Ai Li Si sit behind a desk at an office. Ai Li Si thinks He Hao Yi is being lazy based on how all the other years had major milestones. He Hao Yi explains unless one is getting married and bearing children, between 24 and 29, most of the time is spent on work and it is a very mundane time.

At 30, He Hao Yi has her go to the place He Hao Yi regards as very important to him: it’s the place they both met up again after 13 years. Sitting at a high bar table, He Hao Yi thanks her for appearing in life again. He tells her it’s like a miracle it happened.

This has Ai Li Si thank him for doing this for her. She tells him that although doing these things won’t help her become an adult, but it has prepared her to face her 30-year-old self tomorrow. She ends by returning the favour, telling He Hao Yi that he’s actually her miracle.

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Having gotten a feel of the company as well as understand a little about who her 30-year-old self is on Day 1 of her return to her company, Day 2 of her return is about flushing out her attacker/traitor. He Hao Yi’s idea is to have Ai Li Si hold a survey of all the workers’ skin quality. She would have everyone in the company meet in a room and one by one she’s call them up to test their skin using one of the company’s newly developed skin quality detector. Anyone she finds suspicious, He Hao Yi advises her to have a chat with them to see what kind of response they have.

This plan has Ai Li Si worried that she may recall something and be unable to control her behavior to the memories. He Hao Yi assures her that with so many people present, even if that were to happen, the traitor wouldn’t dare do anything.

Plan discussed, Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi carry out the survey of their co-workers’ skin quality. Her Research and Development colleagues are in the room, Bai Shu Lei is there, Song Han Ming is there and just shortly after she begins, the CEO’s assistant arrives with the CEO following behind. Apparently, he doesn’t need to be there, but he is. He tells Ai Li Si he’s only there to take a look. This has Ai Li Si ask him not to interrupt her work since he wasn’t having his skin tested, and He Hao Yi gaze at him suspiciously. The CEO laughs Ai Li Si’s forwardness off as a joke before calling her to continue.

CEO moves to take his seat at the side and watches with interest as Ai Li Si calls the name of her attacker, Zhou Ji Mi. He steps up nervously to stand right in front of Ai Li Si. He doesn’t dare make eye contact. When she gets close to press the skin quality detector against his forehead, he shuts his eyes, seemingly to hide them from her as they were the only feature of his face she could have possibly saw when he attacked her from behind in a mask. Ai Li Si reads his result and it is the end of that. Ai Li Si suspects nothing. (He Hao Yi, though, he’s been watching him from his seat below, just next to where Ai Li Si stands. His gaze seem to suspect him as well as the CEO.)

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Moving on, Ai Li Si calls up her manager, Manager Zhou, before she calls Bai Shu Lei. Their results are read before she calls up Song Han Ming. She doesn’t call him by his English name, but by his Chinese name, Song Han Ming. This has Bai Shu Lei halt in her steps and repeat his name as she remembers the name. Ai Li Si repeats the name again before asking where Song Han Ming was. Song Han Ming acknowledges the call, finally revealing himself to Bai Shu Lei and He Hao Yi that Peter is the nerdy, buck-toothed classmate they knew 13 years ago.

The revelation surprises Bai Shu Lei and Ai Li Si. “How can that be?” Ai Li Si says aloud. With that, not only does the scene Peter’s identity, but also Ai Li Si’s amnesia. Up at the front of the room, Song Han Ming returns the question back to Ai Li Si, “How could you not know I’m Song Han Ming?”

Recognising that their plan to flush out Ai Li Si’s attacker is in danger of being foiled by Song Han Ming, He Hao Yi gets up from his seat and tries to stop him from carrying on with his interrogation, but he does it in vain. Song Han Ming’s never listened to He Hao Yi let alone pick up on any kind of hidden signals that he was about to ruin their plans. Song Han Ming carries on to accuse He Hao Yi and Ai Li Si of hiding something from his before making a statement that draws everyone’s attention, especially the CEO: “rather, should I say, you’re clearly not Ai Li Si.”

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Ai Li Si has no choice but to reveal her secret. Taken the conversation to a more private room, she admits to the CEO she’s lost her memories. The admission had the CEO interrogate her about why she didn’t let the company know and why He Hao Yi knows. He goes on to accuse them of having plans of their own to take advantage of the company. Ai Li Si denies them. Whether Ai Li Si denies them or not, the CEO was never going to hear her out. He moves straight to all Ai Li Si’s responsibilities at the company and He Hao Yi as supervisor at the company. He tells He Hao Yi that he will be reported to Capital immediately.

Ai Li Si immediately gets up on her feet to take the blame off He Hao Yi, telling the CEO that he had nothing to do with any of this. He Hao Yi, who has had a calm air to him the whole time, tells Ai Li Si that she doesn’t have to say anything. Ai Li Si worries that if he doesn’t the CEO and Capital will misunderstand him. He Hao Yi assures her she really doesn’t have to say anything.

The reason He Hao Yi is so calm and collected during all of this is because just after Sing Han Ming exposed Ai Li Si, He Hao Yi had managed to report to his boss at Capital, Mr. Hunter, about a traitor at the company which He Hao Yi gained authority to investigate.

Right after the CEO threatens Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi, the CEO receives a call from Capital’s Mr. Hunter advising of He Hao Yi’s report about a traitor in the company. Following that call, He Hao Yi seems to hint to the CEO that he knows full well who that traitor is (that traitor being the CEO) and is on to him. But until he has solid proof, he just mentions how he is surprised the CEO didn’t know about someone wanting to take the research logs out of the company and having them brought to somewhere else to develop. He is surprised that he even lets this traitor threaten Ai Li Si and endanger her life. It’s fortunate that Ai Li Si hid the experiment logs, though, otherwise they would fall into the wrong hands. We’re guessing this is He Hao Yi’s way of protecting Ai Li Si. Since only she knows where she hid then, she must remain alive and well and regain her memory in order to locate the logs.

The CEO moves to find out whether He Hao Yi’s found out who the traitor is, to which He Hao Yi responds he had that opportunity during the testing of company employees’ skin quality earlier, but it was ruined. The CEO gets out a half-hearted apology, clearly not sorry as if He Hao Yi did find out, the CEO would be in trouble. He Hao Yi lets the CEO know that he expects Jsut International to fully cooperate with his investigation, else Capital will cease funding and Jsut International will face a $100 million as penalty for breach of contract.

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Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi leave the CEO. Outside, in the foyer area, Ai Li Si’s legs buckle under her from the stress of the situation. He Hao Yi is taken by surprise when Ai Li Si’s head fall on his shoulder. He pats her until she returns back up to face him, after which, she asks why he didn’t let her in on having already settled the situation with Capital. He moves her across to a seat on the other side of the foyer area. Here, He Hao Yi tells her how fortunate he managed to settle the situation. He had his assistant call his boss about the matter right after Ai Li Si was exposed by Song Han Ming. He tells her that truth be told he wasn’t certain he would succeed.

Luckily, it did; but now, He Hao Yi is given and must three months to resolve the situation by his boss. Otherwise he will suffer consequences. After sitting Ai Li Si down and telling Ai Li Si off for saying that she will die alone if she has to die, his assistant brings news that He Hao Yi must find the logs within that three months time; otherwise, He Hao Yi will be fired and he will have to pay breach of contract penalty himself.

Ai Li Si turns to him and asks once again, why he didn’t tells her that the situation was this bad. She worries that she won’t remember anything which would then put a huge burden on him. He Hao Yi tells her that he will come up with a way. He then goes and poses Ai Li Si a question, “Are you ready to face things?”, because now that the CEO knows about her amnesia, Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi are now vulnerable. They are standing in the light, clearly seen. Meanwhile, the CEO stands in the dark, hiding the CEO’s next moves. Ai Li Si has a worried frown on her face, but she nods. She’s ready. She and He Hao Yi will face this together. He Hao Yi pats her head then goes to ask his assistant to take care of Ai Li Si while he takes care of the one who ruined his plans, Song Han Ming.

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Down in the carpark, He Hao Yi and Song Han Ming fight it out, hitting and yelling at each other for putting Ai Li Si in danger. He Hao Yi hits Song Han Ming for ruining his plans to reveal the traitor and putting Ai Li Si in a vulnerable position. Song Han Ming hits He Hao Yi for letting Ai Li Si return back to the company and putting her in danger. They continue until Bai Shu Lei interjects and stops them. She didn’t come down to play referee between the two. She’s on He Hao Yi’s side, but in order to express her piece to Song Han Ming, she had to split up the fight. He Hao Yi takes his leave after offering his services in crisis/risk management to destroy evidence for him should he slip, leaving Bai Shu Lei to confront Song Han Ming about deliberately hiding his identity from her.

When asked whether he deliberately hid his identity from her, Song Han Ming tells her that he didn’t have a choice since she didn’t recognise him and started flirting with him. He found it interesting. At this point, Bai Shu Lei who showed no signs of physically hurting him, closes their distance and steps on his foot with her stilettos. Song Han Ming grits through the pain and carries on, telling her that he didn’t find it necessary to reveal himself because he knew that she would find out eventually. Once she does, she would then give up on him. Bai Shu Lei confirms his words, telling him that indeed that is what happened. She tells him that once she found out he was Song Han Ming, she couldn’t possibly be interested in him. She and he are just Marketing Manger and Sale Manager. She then takes her leave.

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Over at He Hao Yi’s place, He Hao Yi’s returned and so has Ai Li Si back. Ai Li Si is sitting outside on the patio, drinking a cup of tea after deciding to return home as she was apparently making everyone at the office uncomfortable after the incident that revealed her amnesia. Joining Ai Li Si outside, he is told that after the incident, they’ve developed a bit of distrust towards her. With her memory gone, Manager Zhao has requested her keys to the lab back in case she is manipulated and confidential information is leaked. Her colleagues show distrust as well. He Hao Yi suggests she resign, but she maintains that she must stay in order to find the traitor. He Hao Yi tells her that he can find this person without her being there, which has Ai Li Si tell him she didn’t want him to bear the burden of the matter.

Ai Li Si then skips to offering to treat He Hao Yi’s bruised lips. She moves to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid box, but somehow in doing so, she manages to wets herself with the shower head. He Hao Yi goes running in, worried something’s happened to her, only to find her wet. For a moment he’s stares at her damp top. It takes him a good handful of seconds before he realises he was staring and pulls his eyes away, switching himself to his playful, teasing mode. He calls her and idiot. This starts a water-spraying and splashing fight between them in the bathroom and carries into the living room. It ends with Ai Li Si splashing a bucket of water into He Hao Yi’s face after being distracted by the entrance of Liu Xiao Fen and Bai Shu Lei. Both Liu Xiao Fen and Bai Shu Lei stand shocked. Not only are they very wet, but the girl who they thought was some girl He Hao Yi brought home (seemingly, bringing home girls is a common thing he does) is none other than Ai Li Si.

Love at Seventeen Screenshot
Love at Seventeen Screenshot

The final scene has Ai Li Si requesting friendship from Liu Xiao Fen and Bai Shu Lei. She tell them that she doesn’t know why she switched schools or why she hasn’t seen them in 13 years, but to her, they both never disappeared from her life (because she fell unconscious as a 17-year-old and woke up as a 30-year-old). She asks if they could just forget those 13 years and stay friends. Like usual, Liu Xiao Fen doesn’t say anything as she lets Bai Shu Lei respond. She gives Ai Li Si the same things she’s been hearing since she woke up suddenly as a 30-year-old. Ai Li Si may have lost her memory, but she and Liu Xiao Fen haven’t. Their lives didn’t jump 13 years and each day of those 13 years had no connection to you.


This episode focused a lot on getting Ai Li Si to see for herself the reality of things. Ai Li Si wanted to go to the company to take control of her fate. Before going, she probably thought it was a simple task of going there. It started of as a mission to act like a 30-year-old so she’d get a clearer idea of who the attacker is. But it soon turned into reality check for her. She learns what a mean person she is to people, the best friend she probably thought would be her best friend forever is no longer her friend let alone best friend and how far behind she is to them. What a difficult and sad reality it is for her to see.

We would love to know what happened in the last thirteen years, just to see if it is as big of a deal to have Bai Shu Lei not forgive her for so long. If it is just about the whole Peter situation 13 years ago, it feels like Bai Shu Lei is just being stubborn. As a best friend, Ai Li Si should probably have told Bai Shu Lei Peter’s identity, but then Bai Shu Lei could have tried understanding Ai Li Si’s want to keep her promise to keep Song Han Ming’s secret and find other ways to find out. We don’t find this one situation bad enough to cause such a long rift. Maybe it’s the fact that Bai Shu Lei doesn’t like Ai Li Si keeping things to herself, doing things her way. We hope there’s something big enough to justify Bai Shu Lei attitude towards Ai Li Si. Right now, she just comes off stubborn.

It’s great Ai Li Si has He Hao Yi by her side. When he’s with her, he’s just like his 17-year-old self. Fun and easygoing. But clearly he can be quite blunt and straightforward with his words regardless of who he is saying them to. Ai Li Si had mentioned this about him when she arrived home after going out with Bai Shu Lei, his character makes a bit more sense now that we hear Ai Li Si say this, because we did feel that sometimes He Hao Yi can come off as… not as comforting as we expect him to be. Last episode, when Ai Li Si was thinking over whether she should tell He Hao Yi about her tumour up on the hill, he doesn’t expend all his attention towards. There were times he’d casually look off into the distance and take a sip from his water bottle. Two episodes ago, when he sat drunk outside listening to Ai Li Si talk about the past being the past and how she’s forgotten about it all, again, he came off as half-listening. His expressions and actions aren’t as warm we feel. He seems to care a lot, but they don’t feel as warm as other male lead characters who claims they really like the female lead.

It seems He Hao Yi is a bit of a player, too. The episode managed to slip in that it’s a common things for him to bring home a girl, even after not having been in the country for all that long. Interesting!

Anyway. We love the scenes where He Hao Yi comes up with this idea to celebrate her milestones. The friendship between He Hao Yi and Ai Li Si is just so sweet! It makes us wonder what the romance arc will be like. We can see Ai Li Si and He Hao Yi as a couple at the end of it all, but with the story focusing so heavily on Ai Li Si’s past, her amnesia, the issues between them all, we can’t imagine how the romance arc will be brought in. This episode had a couple tiny moments between him and her—the first when Ai Li Si rested her head on his shoulder after leaving the meeting with the CEO and the second when Ai Li Si sprayed herself with water in the bathroom, but where their relationship is at between the two, it feels it’s never going to get there—not that we mind if it all happens at the end.

We were really surprised Song Han Ming’s identity was revealed in this episode! We were hoping it was going to remain a secret a bit longer, but guess we should have seen it coming with Bai Shu Lei tearing up the movie tickets after Ai Li Si ended her chances with him.

Now we wonder what the next episodes will do. The writer(s) let every character know everything—Ai Li Si’s amnesia is no longer a secret and everyone knows Peter is Song Han Ming. The only thing that’s still not revealed is what happened to Ai Li Si 13 years ago, Ai Li Si’s return to her 30-year-old self and that whole mission to reveal the traitor and retrieve the logs before time’s up for He Hao Yi. So, there’s still lots and lots to look forward to. Loving the drama so far!




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